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See also: Freud

C1: ego and sense of self within the societal context

  • Oceanic feeling - ignorance for the existence of others
  • Cant seem to separate himself from the sense of reality

C2: the meaning of happiness?

  • his discontent against personal freedom and societal restrictions
  • The sense of guilt? Guilty for not following societal norms
  • Eros and Thanatos

C3: What are the core purposes of this biological beings we called self?

Freud argues the human psyche is not a single monolith, rather comprises of complex interplay of the following components: Id: primal, instinctive part of self, seeking immediate gratification of pleasure Ego: logical, rational conscious part of the psyche Superego: internalized moral and societal values

C5: Emphasis on the construct of human psyche creates internal conflicts, adding civilizations norms which increases the tendency for aggression versus self love