category theory
depends on two sorts of objects:
- objects of the theory
- morphism of the category
- tl/dr: think of arrow to connect relations between two mathematical objects
a category C consists of the following entities:
a class ob(C) whose elements are called objects
a class hom(C)
- a morphism f:a↦b
- hom(a,b), or homC(a,b),mor(a,b),C(a,b) denotes hom-class of all morphism from a to b
a binary operator ∘, or composition of morphisms such that we have:
associativity: if f:a→b,g:b→c and h:c→d then we have
identity: For every object x there exists a identity morphism 1x:x→x for x such that for every f:a→b we have
structure preserving maps between categories
- covariant functor F:C→D (functor F from category C to D) 1 such that the following holds:
- For every object x in C then F(1x)=1F(x)
- for all morphism f:x→y and g:y→z F(g∘f)=F(g)∘F(f)
- contravariant functor acts as covariant functors from opposite category Cop to D
- ∀x∈C ∃ ob(F(x))∣F(x)∈D
- ∀f:x→y,f∈C ∃ mor(F(f)):F(x)→F(y)∣F(f)∈D