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raccourcis clavier

correctness: C(t)Cs(t)<ϵ|C(t) - Cs(t)| < \epsilon

drift is RoC of the clock value from perfect clock. Given clock has bounded drift ρ\rho then

dC(t)dt1<ρ\mid \frac{dC(t)}{dt} -1 \mid < \rho

Monotonicity: t2>t1:C(t2)>C(t1)\forall t_{2} > t_{1}: C(t_{2}) > C(t_{1})


syscall in kernel: User space and Kernel Space are in different spaces

graph LR

A[procedure] --[parameters]--> B[TRAP]
B --> C[Kernel]
C --> B --> A


a user process becomes kernel process when execute syscall

Scheduling ensures fairness, min response time, max throughput

requirementshigh-throughputschedulablity (meet all hard deadlines)
metricsfast avg-responseensureed worst-case response
overloadfairnessmeet critical deadlines

Kernel programs can always preempt user-space programs

Kernel program example:

#include <linux/init.h>   /* Required by macros*/
#include <linux/kernel.h> /*KERN_INFO needs it*/
#include <linux/module.h>
static char *my_string __initdata = "dummy";
static int my_int __initdata = 4;
/* Init function with user defined name*/
static int __init hello_4_init(void) {
  printk(KERN_INFO "Hello %s world, number %d\n", my_string, my_int);
  return 0;
/* Exit function with user defined name*/
static void __exit hello_4_exit(void) {
  printf(KERN_INFO "Goodbye cruel world 4\n");
/*Macros to be used after defining init and exit functions*/

preemption & syscall

The act of temporarily interrupting a currently scheduled task for higher priority tasks.

NOTE: make doesn’t recompile if DAG is not changed.


  • independent execution, logical unit of work scheduled by OS
  • in virtual memory:
    • Stack: store local variables and function arguments
    • Heaps: dyn located (think of malloc, calloc)
    • BSS segment: uninit data
    • Data segment: init data (global & static variables)
    • text: RO region containing program instructions
creationMember mMember*m = new Member()
lifetimefunction runs to completiondelete, free is called
growfixeddyn added by OS
errstack overflowheap fragmentation
whensize of memory is known, data size is smalllarge scale dyn mem


  • create a child process that is identical to its parents, return 0 to child process and pid
  • add a lot of overhead as duplicated. Data space is not shared

variables init b4 fork() will be duplicated in both parent and child.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  int child = fork();
  int c = 0;
  if (child)
    c += 5;
  else {
    child = fork();
    c += 5;
    if (child) c += 5;
  printf("%d ", c);


  • program-wide resources: global data & instruction
  • execution state of control stream
  • shared address space for faster context switching
  • Needs synchronisation (global variables are shared between threads)
  • lack robustness (one thread can crash the whole program)
#include <pthread.h>
void *foo(void *args) {}
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_t thread;
// pthread_create(&thread, &attr, function, arg);

To solve race condition, uses semaphores.

polling and interrupt

  • polling: reading memloc to receive update of an event

    • think of

      while (true) {
        if (event) {
          event = 0;
  • interrupt: receieve interrupt signal

    • think of

      signal(SIGNAL, handler)
      void handler(int sig) {
      int main() {
        while (1) { do_work() }

process priority

nice: change process priority

  • 0-99: RT tasks
  • 100-139: Users

lower the NICE value, higher priority

#include <sys/resource.h>
int getpriority(int which, id_t who);
int setpriority(int which, id_t who, int value);

set scheduling policy: sched_setscheduler(pid, SCHED_FIFO | SCHED_RR | SCHED_DEADLINE, &param)


  1. Priority-based preemptive scheduling

Temporal parameters:

Let the following be the scheduling parameters:

# of tasksnn
absolute deadlinedid_i
relative deadlineDi=ri,jdiD_i = r_{i,j} - d_i
execution timeeie_i
response timeRiR_i

Period pip_i of a periodic task TiT_i is min length of all time intervales between release times of consecutive tasks.

Phase of a Task ϕi\phi_i is the release time ri,1r_{i,1} of a task TiT_i, or ϕi=ri,1\phi_i = r_{i,1}

in phase are first instances of several tasks that are released simultaneously


a periodic task TiT_i can be represented by:

  • 4-tuple (ϕi,Pi,ei,Di)(\phi_i, P_i, e_i, D_i)
  • 3-tuple (Pi,ei,Di)(P_i, e_i, D_i), or (0,Pi,ei,Di)(0, P_i, e_i, D_i)
  • 2-tuple (Pi,ei)(P_i, e_i), or (0,Pi,ei,Pi)(0, P_i, e_i, P_i)

Utilisation factor uiu_i

for a task TiT_i with execution time eie_i and period pip_i is given by

ui=eipiu_i = \frac{e_i}{p_i}

For system with nn tasks overall system utilisation is U=i=1nuiU = \sum_{i=1}^{n}{u_i}

cyclic executive

assume tasks are non-preemptive, jobs parameters with hard deadlines known.

  • no race condition, no deadlock, just function call
  • however, very brittle, number of frame FF can be large, release times of tasks must be fixed


is the least common multiple (lcm) of the periods.

maximum num of arriving jobs

N=i=1nHpiN = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{H}{p_i}

Frames: each task must fit within a single frame with size ff number of frames F=HfF = \frac{H}{f}

C1: A job must fit in a frame, or fmax ei 1inf \geq \text{max} \space e_i \forall \space 1\leq i \leq n for all tasks

C2: hyperperiod has an integer number of frames, or Hf=integer\frac{H}{f} = \text{integer}

C3: 2fgcd(Pi,f)Di2f - \text{gcd}(P_i, f) \leq D_i per task.

task slices

idea: if framesize constraint doesn’t met, then “slice” into smaller sub-tasks

T3=(20,5)T_3=(20, 5) becomes T31=(20,1)T_{3_{1}}=(20,1) and T32=(20,3)T_{3_{2}}=(20,3) and T33=(20,1)T_{3_{3}}=(20, 1)

Flow Graph for hyper-period

  • Denote all jobs in hyperperiod of FF frames as J1JFJ_{1} \cdots J_{F}
  • Vertices:
    • kk job vertices J1,J2,,JkJ_{1},J_{2},\cdots,J_{k}
    • FF frame vertices x,y,,zx,y,\cdots,z
  • Edges:
    • (source,Ji)(\text{source}, J_i) with capacity Ci=eiC_i=e_i
      • Encode jobs’ compute requirements
    • (Ji,x)(J_i, x) with capacity ff iff JiJ_i can be scheduled in frame xx
      • encode periods and deadlines
      • edge connected job node and frame node if the following are met:
        1. job arrives before or at the starting time of the frame
        2. job’s absolute deadline larger or equal to ending time of frame
    • (f,sink)(f, \text{sink}) with capacity ff
      • encodes limited computational capacity in each frame

static priority assignment

For higher priority:

  • shorter period tasks (rate monotonic RM)
  • tasks with shorter relative deadlines (deadline monotonic DM)


  • running on uniprocessor, tasks are preemptive, no OS overhead for preemption

task TiT_i has higher priority than task TjT_j if pi<pjp_i < p_j

schedulability test for RM (Test 1)

Given nn periodic processes, independent and preemptable, DipiD_i \geq p_i for all processes, periods of all tasks are integer multiples of each other

a sufficient condition for tasks to be scheduled on uniprocessor: U=i=1neipi1U = \sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{e_i}{p_i} \leq 1

schedulability test for RM (Test 2)

A sufficient but not necessary condition is Un(21n1)U \leq n \cdot (2^{\frac{1}{n}} - 1) for nn periodic tasks

for nn \to \infty, we have U<ln(2)0.693U < \ln(2) \approx 0.693

schedulability test for RM (Test 3)

Consider a set of task (T1,T2,,Ti)(T_{1},T_{2},\cdots,T_i) with p1<p2<<pip_{1}<p_{2}<\cdots<p_i. Assume all tasks are in phase. to ensure that T1T_1 can be feasibly scheduled, that e1p1e_1 \leq p_1 (T1T_1 has highest priority given lowest period)

Supposed T2T_2 finishes at tt. Total number of isntances of task T1T_1 released over time interval [0;t)[0; t) is tp1\lceil \frac{t}{p_{1}} \rceil

Thus the following condition must be met for every instance of task T1T_1 released during tim interval (0;t)(0;t):

t=tp1 e1+e2t = \lceil \frac{t}{p_{1}} \rceil \space e_1 + e_2

idea: find kk such that time t=k×p1ke1+e2t = k \times p_1 \geq k * e_1 + e_2 and k×p1p2k\times p_1 \leq p_2 for task 2

general solution for RM-schedulability

The time demand function for task i;1ini; 1 \leq i \leq n:

ωi(t)=k=1itpk ekt0tpi\begin{aligned} \omega_i(t) &= \sum_{k=1}^{i} \lceil \frac{t}{p_k} \rceil \space e_k \leq t \\ \\ &\because 0 \leq t \leq p_i \end{aligned}

holds a time instant tt chosen as t=kjpj,(j=1,,i)t=k_j p_j, (j=1,\cdots,i) and kj=1,,pipjk_j = 1, \cdots, \lfloor \frac{p_i}{p_j} \rfloor


  • if every task has period equal to relative deadline, same as RM
  • arbitrary deadlines then DM performs better than RM
  • RM always fails if DM fails

dynamic priority assignment

earliest-deadline first (EDF)

depends on closeness of absolute deadlines

EDF schedulability test 1

set of nn periodic tasks, each whose relative deadline is equal to or greater than its period iff i=1n(eipi)1\sum_{i=1}^{n}(\frac{e_i}{p_i}) \leq 1

EDF schedulability test 2

relative deadlines are not equal to or greater than their periods

i=1n(eimin(Di,pi))1\sum_{i=1}^{n}(\frac{e_i}{\text{min}(D_i, p_i)}) \leq 1

Priority Inversion

critical sections to avoid race condition

Higher priority task can be blocked by a lower priority task due to resource contention

shows how resource contention can delay completion of higher priority tasks

  • access shared resources guarded by Mutex or semaphores
  • access non-preemptive subsystems (storage, networks)

Resource Access Control


serially reusable: a resource cannot be interrupted

If a job wants to use kik_i units of resources RiR_i, it executes a lock L(Ri;ki)L(R_i; k_i), and unlocks U(Ri;ki)U(R_i; k_i) once it finished

Non-preemptive Critical Section Protocol (NPCS)

idea: schedule all critical sections non-preemptively

While a task holds a resource it executes at a priority higher than the priorities of all tasks

a higher priority task is blocked only when some lower priority job is in critical section


  • zk about resource requirements of tasks cons:
  • task can be blocked by a lower priority task for a long time even without resource conflict


Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP)

idea: increase the priorities only upon resource contention

avoid NPCS drawback

would still run into deadlock (think of RR task resource access)


  • When a task T1 is blocked due to non availability of a resource that it needs, the task T2 that holds the resource and consequently blocks T1, and T2 inherits the current priority of task T1.
  • T2 executes at the inherited priority until it releases R.
  • Upon the release of R, the priority of T2 returns to the priority that it held when it acquired the resource R

Priority Ceiling Protocol (PCP)

idea: extends PIP to prevent deadlocks

  • If lower priority task TL blocks a higher priority task TH, priority(TL) ← priority(TH)
  • When TL releases a resource, it returns to its normal priority if it doesn’t block any task. Or it returns to the highest priority of the tasks waiting for a resource held by TL
  • Transitive
    • T1 blocked by T2: priority(T2) ← priority(T1)
    • T2 blocked by T3: priority(T3) ← priority(T1)

ceiling(R): highest priority. Each resource has fixed priority ceiling

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