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meeting minutes


Evan is missing, everyone else is present

Part 1: Company introduction (Evan)

Part 2: Identification of issues/problem statement (Vanessa, Josh)

Part 3: Analysis of the current compensation system

Part 4: Proposals for compensation package and performance criteria (Aaron, Imran)

Part 5: Implementation and details of improvement, suggestions

Part 6: Conclusion, recommendations

To establish pay transparency, Uber should disclose to drivers how their pay is calculated, including the commission Uber takes from each fare, typically around 25% (Zinkula. 2024). Uber can provide a detailed breakdown in the driver app and weekly pay statements showing the passenger fare, Uber’s take rate, and the driver payout for each trip. Uber should also publish its average take rates and driver earnings by the city to provide greater transparency and allow drivers to make informed decisions.

Uber should ensure drivers do not operate at a loss after accounting for expenses like fuel, insurance, and vehicle maintenance, which is $0.32 per mile (Zoepf, 2018). Uber should guarantee drivers a minimum hourly earnings rate after accounting for expenses or a minimum rate card per mile and per minute to implement minimum earning guarantees. This will require extensive research on different car models and fuel consumption, as well as constructing statistical models to predict the expected costs for each driver accurately. This will provide greater financial security and help compensate drivers fairly for their time and costs.

Uber should reward high-performing drivers with incentives based on metrics like trips completed and utilization rate, in addition to current perks provided through Uber Pro (Uber 2024). Uber should also consider tenure-based increases (an example is their proposed Upfront Driver Pay), such as raising driver rates by 2-3% for each year of service (Sherman, 2024). This will help retain experienced drivers and demonstrate that Uber values its long-term driver partners. Lastly, Uber should expand its driver rewards program, Uber Pro, which offers vehicle maintenance discounts based on points earned for trips (Mishel, 2024). Kessler (2020) reported that while Uber has provided some sick pay and other financial assistance to drivers, but many say it is insufficient during the pandemic. Drivers are classified as independent contractors, lacking benefits like health insurance and paid time off. However, these benefits are still limited compared to employee benefits packages. To provide more security for drivers, Uber should look into offering occupational accident insurance, disability payments, and subsidized health insurance in more markets. Uber benefits drivers in European cities like London and Paris (SERUpractice)