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See also: slides

technical analysis: Using science to determine how variables are related in order to draw conclusions in engineering-relevant context

  • Licensing is not discipline-specific

engineering design:

  • making decisions: on the basis of engineering principles
  • create plans: for someone to create/modify something
  • benefit of humans


  1. Decision variables:
  • could change about the design
  1. Performance parameters
  • describes how well the realised design works that is relevant to the end users
  • can’t control performance parameters directly

optimum engineering design.

  1. use technical analysis to determine decision variables
  2. write NVF in terms of decision variables
  3. use optimisation methods to determine
  • optimum set of decision variables
  • corresponding value of NVF
  • sensitive the optimum set and resulting NVF are to changes in decision variables and other parameters

validity and assumptions:

  • push to one extreme