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raccourcis clavier


Problem Thesis Structure


  • Outsider
    • Speaking in a language that is not the court

Knowing what good is enough for being good connect between wisdom and good action To find the truth of what is good

Athenians are harming themselves since Socrates is the only one who concerns the truth and what truly good is.

  • “Ancient” / Recent accusation

    • Bad association with pre/post
    • Ancient:
      • Physicist enquire things in heaven and under the earth
      • Sophist: Use arguments that leads people away from the truth
        • Doesn’t care about physics
        • “human/political virtue” People aren’t as wise as they were
  • Corrupts the youth

    • Hates democracy
    • not believe to the gods of the state can’t corrupt the youth: “No one does bad willingly. Corrupt person is more likely to harm people.” If you know that you are harming people you should come to me

The unexamined life is not worth living

  • Won’t act as what is good and knowledge living a life of ignorance not a worth living life.


  • Pain and pleasure
  • How suicide is wrong, facing death = good ?
  • Philosophers desire death?
  • What if the soul is not immortal?
    • Single vs composite

All knowing is remembering posteriori

pp 62,63:

  • We know absolute equality
  • Material equalities fall short of absolute equality

To see inequality need to have knowledge of what absolute equality is, from experience

For Socrates ideas are not fluid