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raccourcis clavier

I think a lot about that one quote from Steve Jobs, and realised that you are who you surrounded yourself with. Whether online, daily, we often populate our minds and time by the people we hang around or work with.

The following lists of people who I owed a lot. I would separate from top-to-bottom a list from “people-i-know-that-makes-me-whole” to “humans-being-in-the-wild-that-reminds-me-how-beautiful-life-really-is” (separated with **):

  • Jacky, for always encouraging me to think hardly, even from afar
  • Chaoyu, for taking a bet on me, four years ago.
  • Sean, whom I consider as a friend both professionally and personally.
  • All my colleagues at that infrastructure startup, for your trust in me for the past four years.
  • Tommy, for your laughs, and going through life with pure determinism.
  • Kelly, for your wonderful taste and holistic worldview.
  • Wilbur, for your thoughts, vulnerability, and trust.
  • Rabs, for your trust, kindness and being so damn real 😃
  • Gourob, for your trust in my abilities.
  • Parth, for your trust.
  • Chi, for your care and endless laughter.
  • Nicole, for being the one that stay while the rest of the world walk away.
  • Jesse, for your endurance, for reminding me that I don’t have to walk through this dark forest alone.
  • Mimi and TA, for being anchors to my fading roots, being Vietnamese, and frozen grapes influencer.
  • my mom, for being the coolest human being, albeit with some minor hiccups (but you know, generational difference).
  • my dad, for his silence, love through actions.
  • my brother, for being nothing less but an inspiration for me to always keep pushing forward.
  • Anh Q and chi L, for being the True North that light the path whenever I felt loss.


  • Hank and John, banger writing and videos
  • Kieran, folktronica, or just pure vibes
  • Mylene, for your relentless pursuit of happiness and drive in life
  • Ava from bookbear, for always reminding me that everyone deserves to be loved, even the unfortunate ones.
  • Anson, for being the most driven human being I have come across
  • Albert Camus, infinite charm and writings
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein, language game
  • Steven Soderbergh
  • Christopher Nolan
  • Raymond Carver