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What is being as a part of epistemology?

why do we practice art?

Practice anything, no matter how well or how bad, we practice art as a act of becoming, for our soul to grow.

Heidegger’s Being and Time

NOTE: Heidegger’s writing are relatively technical, hence I found this glossary useful when reading BnT

To answer “What is being?”, Heidegger began to ask “Whom is asking the question being?”

In a sense, he emphasize that being cannot exists without the context of other being in the world

Being that in its Being is concerned about its very Being.

There are similarities between Kierkegaard and Heidegger understanding of existence, but Heidegger integrates it into his ontological difference.

In the Being (Sein, ontological) of this being (Seiendes, ontical) it is related to its Being (Sein, ontological).

This is what distinguishes Dasein from any other being (Seiendes) - it is fully related to its own Being(Sein) and therefore privileged for an analysis of Being(Sein).


Two core characteristics of dasein:

  1. Dasein exists: “The essence of Dasein lies in its existence” (p.42).

  2. Dasein is mine: “the Being, whose analysis our task is, is always mine” (p.42).


Values are just meaningless facts (hammer is for hammering). It leaves out information defining the relation of hammers to nails and the rest of the environment (readiness-to-hand) In a sense, it explains entanglement (the example of workman and hammering)