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resources: Edward Tuffe’s The Visual Display of Quantitative Information - ISBN-13: 978-1930824133


How do we represent information flow when we interact with different mediums, esp. text?

Maps shape how we see and understand the world, which in turn shapes how we act within it.


Linus’ talk on Representation

how it shape our agency

as technology

(Viégas & Wattenberg, 2023)

How can we manipulate new ideas and abstractions to create new notations?

Thesis: Technologies for representation mediate how we see the world.


  1. A representation must abstract
  2. An interface always gives or takes agency. Be intentional about which you choose
  3. Represent to communicate, not model.

internals grokking

In the realm of AI, how we grok these systems to understand its internal representations would help us understand how we think.

Seeing clearly to exercise agency


Instrumental use:

  • frictionless input, low-latency progress: payments.

Engaged use:

  • see clearly from right perspectives. Express intent naturally and precisely.
  • Explore the possible spaces only through engaging with the information

Why don't we do this more?

It is a hyperreal produced from a radiating synthesis of combinatory models in a hyperspace without atmosphere.

Simulacra and Simulation, Jean Baudrillard

Art of Cartography attained such Perfection that the map of a single Province occupied the entirely of a City […] saw that that vast Map was Useless...

On Exatitude in Science, Jorge Luis Borges