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The subfield of alignment that delves into reverse engineering of a neural network, especially LLMs

To attack the curse of dimensionality, the question remains: how do we hope to understand a function over such a large space, without an exponential amount of time? 1


open problems

Sharkey et al. (2025)

  • differentiate between “reverse engineering” versus “concept-based”
    • reverse engineer:
      • decomposition hypotheses validation
    • drawbacks with SDL:


Application in the wild: Goodfire and Transluce

idea: treat SAEs as a logit bias, similar to guided decoding


refers to the process of manually modifying certain activations and hidden state of the neural net to influence its outputs

For example, the following is a toy example of how a decoder-only transformers (i.e: GPT-2) generate text given the prompt “The weather in California is”

flowchart LR
  A[The weather in California is] --> B[H0] --> D[H1] --> E[H2] --> C[... hot]

To steer to model, we modify H2H_2 layers with certain features amplifier with scale 20 (called it H3H_{3})2

flowchart LR
  A[The weather in California is] --> B[H0] --> D[H1] --> E[H3] --> C[... cold]

One usually use techniques such as sparse autoencoders to decompose model activations into a set of interpretable features.

For feature ablation, we observe that manipulation of features activation can be strengthened or weakened to directly influence the model’s outputs

example: Panickssery et al. (2024) uses contrastive activation additions to steer Llama 2

contrastive activation additions

intuition: using a contrast pair for steering vector additions at certain activations layers

Uses mean difference which produce difference vector similar to PCA:

Given a dataset D\mathcal{D} of prompt pp with positive completion cpc_p and negative completion cnc_n, we calculate mean-difference vMDv_\text{MD} at layer LL as follow:

vMD=1Dp,cp,cnDaL(p,cp)aL(p,cn)v_\text{MD} = \frac{1}{\mid \mathcal{D} \mid} \sum_{p,c_p,c_n \in \mathcal{D}} a_L(p,c_p) - a_L(p, c_n)


by steering existing learned representations of behaviors, CAA results in better out-of-distribution generalization than basic supervised finetuning of the entire model.

superposition hypothesis


phenomena when a neural network represents more than nn features in a nn-dimensional space

Linear representation of neurons can represent more features than dimensions. As sparsity increases, model use superposition to represent more features than dimensions.

neural networks “want to represent more features than they have neurons”.

When features are sparsed, superposition allows compression beyond what linear model can do, at a cost of interference that requires non-linear filtering.

reasoning: “noisy simulation”, where small neural networks exploit feature sparsity and properties of high-dimensional spaces to approximately simulate much larger much sparser neural networks

In a sense, superposition is a form of lossy compression


  • sparsity: how frequently is it in the input?

  • importance: how useful is it for lowering loss?

over-complete basis

reasoning for the set of nn directions 3


A property of an input to the model

When we talk about features (Elhage et al., 2022, p. see “Empirical Phenomena”), the theory building around several observed empirical phenomena:

  1. Word Embeddings: have direction which corresponding to semantic properties (Mikolov et al., 2013). For example:
    V(king) - V(man) = V(monarch)
  2. Latent space: similar vector arithmetics and interpretable directions have also been found in generative adversarial network.

We can define features as properties of inputs which a sufficiently large neural network will reliably dedicate a neuron to represent (Elhage et al., 2022, p. see “Features as Direction”)


refers to the process of removing a subset of a model’s parameters to evaluate its predictions outcome.

idea: deletes one activation of the network to see how performance on a task changes.

  • zero ablation or pruning: Deletion by setting activations to zero
  • mean ablation: Deletion by setting activations to the mean of the dataset
  • random ablation or resampling

residual stream

Residual stream illustration
figure1: Residual stream illustration

intuition: we can think of residual as highway networks, in a sense portrays linearity of the network 4

residual stream x0x_{0} has dimension (C,E)\mathit{(C,E)} where

  • C\mathit{C}: the number of tokens in context windows and
  • E\mathit{E}: embedding dimension.

Attention mechanism H\mathit{H} process given residual stream x0x_{0} as the result is added back to x1x_{1}:

x1=H(x0)+x0x_{1} = \mathit{H}{(x_{0})} + x_{0}


See also: writeup, code, circuit threads

A phenomena discovered by (Power et al., 2022) where small algorithmic tasks like modular addition will initially memorise training data, but after a long time ti will suddenly learn to generalise to unseen data

empirical claims

related to phase change