80% of the outcomes are due to 20% of causes, only Pareto distributions with shape value reflect this.
in machine learning, we can do feature ablation based on its Pareto distribution.
if is a random variable with Pareto distribution (Type I), then the survival function is given by:
where is the (necessarily positive) minimum possible value of , and is a positive parameter.
also: Pareto efficiency 1
when a change in allocation of good harms no one and benefits at least one person
a state is Pareto-optimal if there is no alternative state where at least one participant’s well-being is higher, and nobody else’s well-being is lower.
- If a state change satisfies this, then the new state is Pareto improvement
- When no Pareto improvement is possible, then it is Pareto optimum.
zero-sum game
every outcome is Pareto-efficient.