to every point x of the space X we “attach” a vector space V(x) in such a way that these vector space fits together to form another space of the same kind as X
A real vector bundle consists of
topological spaces X (base space) and E (total space)
a continuous surjection π:E→X (bundle projection)
For every x in X the structure of a finite-dimensional real vector space on the fiberπ−1({x})
compatibility condition
For every point p in X, there is an open neighborhood U⊆X of p and a homeomorphism
such that for all x in U:
(π∘φ)(x,v)=x for all vectors v in Rk
the map v↦φ(x,v) is a linear isomorphism between vector spaces Rk and π−1({x})
open neighborhood U together with the hoemomorphism φ is called a local trivialisation of the vector bundle 1
every fiber π−1({x}) is a finite-dimensional real vector space and hence has a dimensionkx
function x→kx is locally constant, and therefore constant on each connected component of X
rank of the vector bundle
if kx is equal to constant k on all of X, then k is the rank of the vector bundle, and E is a vector bundle of rankk
trivial bundle
The Cartesian product X×Rk equipped with the projection X×Rk→X is considered as the trivial bundle of rank k over X
operations on vector bundle extending the operation of duality for vector space.
a dual bundle of a vector bundle π:E→X is the vector bundle π∗:E∗→X whose fiber are the dual spaces to fibers of E
Equivalently, E∗ can be defined as the Hom bundle Hom(E,R×X), the vector bundle of morphisms from E to the trivial line bundle R×X→X
a space that is locally a product space, but globally may have different topological structure
A fiber bundle is a structure (E,B,π,F) where:
E,B,F are topological space
π:E→B is a continuous surjection satisfying local triviality condition
B is considered as base space, E is total space, and F is the fiber space
the map π is called the projection map
we require that for every x∈B, there is an open neighborhood U⊆B of x such that there is a homeomorphismφ:π−1(U)→U×F such that a way π agrees with the projection onto the first factor. 2
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where proj1:U×F→U is the natural projection and φ:π−1(U)→U×F is a homeomorphism.
The set of all {(Ui,φi)} is called a local trivialization of the bundle
Therefore, for any p∈B, the preimageπ−1({p}) is homeomorphic to F3 and is called the fiber over p
a fiber bundle (E,B,π,F) is often denoted as
bundle map
Suppose that M and N are base space, and πE:E→M and πF:F→N are fiber bundles over M and N respectively.
bundle map/morphism consists of a pair of continuous functions
such that πF∘φ=f∘πE. That is the following is commutative:
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shows that locally the map π “looks like” the projection of U×Rk on U↩
π−1(U) is the given subspace topology, and U×F is the product space ↩