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The concept in computer science saying “no such thing as a free lunch”, or shortcut for success (Wolpert & Macready, 1997)


For any algorithm a1a_{1} and a2a_{2} at iteration steps mm:

fP(dmyf,m,a1)=fP(dmyf,m,a2)\sum_{f} P(d^y_m \mid f,m,a_{1}) = \sum_{f} P(d^y_m \mid f, m, a_2)

where dmyd^y_m denotes the ordered set of size mm of the cost value yy associated to input values xXx \in X, f:XYf: X \to Y is the function being optimized, and P(dmyf,m,a)P(d^y_m \mid f,m,a) is the conditional probability of obtaining given sequence of cost values from algorithm aa run mm times on function ff