Design: the process of embedding a function in a form that is dependable, sustainable, and in harmony with its environment.
Architecture: both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or other structures.
Form: material manifestation of the design object in its environment
Function: fundamental (form is derived from function)
- Program, designed
reentrant objects/components (executed concurrently)
code structure
- direction: A → B
- synchronization: async/sync ops
- sequence: connectors must be used on given seqs
runtime structure
multiplicity: connected to other elements
distance and connection media: connected
universal invocable: ANY external to invoke
self-descriptive: allow external to invoke w/o pre-installation
4+1 model
different views with different concerns:
- Logical view: identifies software modules and their boundaries, interfaces, external environment
- Process view: addresses non-functional requirements (module communication styles)
- Development view: organizes the software units in a well-defined ways according to file/directory structure
- Physical view: specifies physical software, hardware, topology view
- UI view: look and feel view
relations and UML
- inheritance (is a)
- aggregation (has a)
- association (uses a)
- messaging (method invocation)
Static structural Diagram
- control flow (time-independant) between elements and system
- class diagram, component diagram
- independent from time
Dynamic software architecture
- behaviours of objects
- object collaboration, interaction, activity
- sequences diagram, collaboration diagram