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See also slides

A relation is a table

Relations are unordered relations are sets

tuple and domain constraints

  • tuple: expresses conditions on the values of each tuple
  • domain constraint: tuple constrain that involves a single attributes
(GPA <= 4.0) AND (GPA >= 0.0)

unique identifier

A superkey is a set of attributes for a relation rr if rr cannot contain two distinct tuples t1t_1 and t2t_2 such that t1[K]=t2[K]t_1{[K]} = t_2{[K]}

A (candidate) key for rr if KK is a minimal superkey

ex: superkey of RegNum

primary value

handles null value

Presence of nulls in keys


Each relation must have a primary key on which nulls are not allowed.

notation: the attributes of the primary keys are underlined

references between relations are realised through primary keys


A set of fields is a key for a relation if:

  1. No two distinct tuples can have same values in all key fields
  2. This is not true for any subset of the key (minimal)

If #2 is false, then a superkey

If there’s > 1 key for a relation, one of the keys is chosen to be primary key



  • For a given student and course, there is a single grade.
  sid INTEGER,
  cid INTEGER,
  grade INTEGER,
  PRIMARY KEY (sid, cid),
  UNIQUE (cid, grade)
  • Students can take only one course, and received a single grade for that courses; further, no two students in a course receive the grade
  sid INTEGER,
  cid INTEGER,
  grade INTEGER,
  KEY (cid, grade)

IC are validated when data is updated

interpolation constraints (foreign keys)

Referential integrity constraints are imposed in order to guarantee values refer to existing tuples


A foreign key requires that the values on a set XX of attributes of a relation R1R_1 must appear as values for the primary key of another relation R2R_2

Ex: sid is a foreign key referring to Students

If al foreign key constraints are enforced referential integrity is enforced

enforcing referential integrity

See also source