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The complexity of modern devices

What is a good design?

  • Discoverability
    • possible to figure out what actions are possible
    • where and how to perform them
  • Understanding
    • What does it mean?
    • How is it supposed to be used
Design fieldsPurposeOptimisation targetUsers
Industrialform & materialfunction, value, appearance of the product & systemUsers & manufacturer
Interactionunderstandability & usabilityunderstanding in technology interaction, upon psychology, design, artusers
Experienceemotional impactdesigning products focused placed on quality and enjoyment of total experienceUsers

?: What are the deficiency in human-machine interaction?

  • limitation of today-technology
  • self-imposed restriction such as: cost
  • lack of understanding of the design principles

Human Centred Design is an approach that puts human needs, capabilities, and behaviour first, then design to accommodate those needs, capabilities and machine behaviour.

Experience Design
Industrial Design
Interaction design
Areas of Focus
Human-centred designProcess that ensures design match needs and capabilities of the people for whom they are intended

Fundamental principles of Interaction


  • how fondly people remember their interaction
  • discoverability
    • affordances
    • signifiers
    • contraints
    • mappings
    • feedback
    • conceptual model of the system