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raccourcis clavier

Allegory of the cave:

  • See the shadow, but not the reflection of the real world
  • Escape the prisoner convince them to go out and see what the real world is
  • Talking about shadow (escape to identify real world now instead of the shadow)

Republic pp. 124-125

State of Ignorance?

State of being in the cave = Ignorance

eyesight capacity for learning

Sun = knowledge, intelligible world

shadow sensible world

taints these visions are unwilling to decent to human affair for the which desire for allegory (don’t want to go down to the cape)

Fear of the unknown?

Journey to Enlightenment?

Enlightenment as a duty?

Why most of them don’t want to escape at the beginning? Why only one of them to escape? fear of the unknown?

The form?

See also: Symposium Ladders’ of beauty