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raccourcis clavier

see also: Slides


refer to all forms of financial returns and tangible services and benefits receive as part of an employment relationship

  1. societal
    • pay and benefits as measure of justice
    • job losses or gains in a country is a function of labor costs
  2. stockholders
  • ESA: employment options plan and stock purchase plan, ISO
  • executive pays: VPs, higher up.
  • performance measures
  1. managers
  • major expense that must be managed
  • major determinant of employee attitudes and behaviours
  1. employees
  • financial freedom
  • exchange of good
  • incentive to work a job, and have a reward for having done so.

Merit payment:

Total Rewards:

RRSP: 401k

Health spending account:

employment security: union membership

Social capital

Employee value proposition

Psychological safety: without having retaliation and being safe at work environment.

total reward.

total compensation

  • include cash payments (IA, CPP)

Cash compensation:

  • Base pay: Job evaluation
  • merit increases are increments
  • COLA (cost of living adjustment)
  • incentives (bonuses)


  • health insurance
  • pension: retirement and saving
  • allowances

relational returns

Non-financial returns that substantially impact employee behaviour, such as employment security and learning and developmental opportunities

  • psychological returns
  • recognition and status

pay model.

graph LR

SP{{Strategic polcies}} --> T{{Techniques}} --> SO{{Strategic objectives}}

collective bargaining

  • objectives
  • policies that form the foundation of compensation
  • techniques that make up compensation system.

internal alignment

  • comparisons among jobs and skill levels within organization
  • pertains pay rates both for employees
  • Pay relationship affect compensations objectives

external competitiveness

  • pay comparisons with competitors externally
  • market driven
  • objectives:
    • ensure pay is sufficient to attract
    • control labor cost to ensure competitive pricing of product.

employee contributions

  • how employees are rewarded
  • bases for performance-based evaluations, perceive pay as fair.


  • right people get the right pay for achieving the right objectives the right way.

pay techniques

  • four basic policies
  • tools and mechanism that are used to achieve objectives.

Gender inequality article