- code
- a5
- lab5
- a4
- lab4
- a3
- lab3
- a2
- lab2
- a1
- lab1
- Norman S. Nise - Control System Engineering-Wiley (2019)
- block_diagrams
- electrical_state_space
- freq_response_design
- frequency_domain
- intro
- midterm-sample-q-soln
- midterm-sample-q
- pid-controller
- rl_example
- root_locus
- root_locus_control
- state_space
- state_space_design
- steady_state_error
- steady_state_error_specifications
- time_response
- steady-state error
- Root locus control
- Tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la conception des systèmes de contrôle
- stability
- Stability and natural responses.
- Time response
- Block Diagrams
- State space representation
- Frequency Domain and a la carte.