Prof. Ridha Khedri: email
Book: Software Architecture and Design Illuminated (ISBN: 9780763754204)
Deliverable | Tentative Due Date | Deliverable Weight |
D1 | February 14th | 10% |
Midterm | March 3rd, 11:30 AM to 12:20 PM (50 minutes) | 20% |
D2 | March 7th | 10% |
D3 | March 21st | 10% |
D4 | Week of April 7th (A timetable for demos will be set by the TAs) | 10% |
Finals | Tentatively | 40% |
Up to six quizzes, 2% per quiz
pass function:
course grade=final + quizzes + midterm + deliverables
9 éléments sous ce dossier.