- ODEs, Polynomials approx., Linear Least Squares, and Errors
- Least squares, Trapezoidal and Simpson's rules
- Gaussian elimination, LU decompositions, and errors LS solving
- Floating points error, Taylor series, and approximation
- 4X03
- Assignment 3
- Assignment 4 COMPSCI 4X03
- activate
- approx
- approx_arccot
- asym_bode
- bode_as
- check_exp
- derivative_approx
- dsimpson
- errors
- findPeriod
- find_period
- hilb_problem
- interp_problem
- inverse_newt
- lorenz
- net
- netbpfull
- nlsrun
- pendulum
- rk4
- simpson
- sin_approx
- timeadd
- trapezoid